General Q: Is Tau Sigma a scam? A: Do scams provide free events for your enjoyment? No, we are not a scam. We provide our members with resources and scholarships to ease the transition as a transfer student while providing access to a transfer community.
Q: How do I join the GroupMe? A: Email an officer, fill out our contact form on our "Connect with Us" page, or message us on social media with your name and phone number to be added into our GroupMe.
Orders Q: How do I inquire about an order that I have already placed? A: On our Merch page, click our "Let's go!" button and fill out our form. Someone will contact you regarding your order.
Q: I placed an order and was not able to pick it up prior to COVID, how do I get my order? A: Due to COVID and the safety precautions UCF is taking to protect our community, we will be holding virtual office hours and will not be in office this semester. Fill out our form using our "Let's Go!" button on our "Merch" page and we will contact you to get you your items.
Events Q: How do I find out about events? A: To stay up to date on our events, follow our social media pages that can be found on our "Connect With Us" page, find us on Knights Connect and check our "Events" page.
Q: How can I RSVP for events? A: Under the "Events" tab is our Google Calendar. Click the event you want to RSVP for, then click the "more details" button for the event to find the RSVP link.